imurakami child clinic website schedule of the month advice of the month

Hi, how are you ?


 I’m sure many of you have a hard time to adjust your conditions with chilly March temperature of this year.  Influenza is huge epidemic now. Its type is almost influenza type B which symptoms are high fever, weariness and gastroenteritis.
 New coronavirus infection is decreasing but not zero. Serious patients hardly seen in pediatric, instead of that adenovirus infection, RSV and human metapneumovirus are spreading.
 Streptococcal infection has been prevalent. It’s test kit of it is shortage at all pediatrics but don’t need to worry too much because clinical diagnosis is easy. I think after we released from coronavirus infection, we might’ve lost our defense abilities or viruses might’ve got stronger and we lost our resistance.
 Recently I wonder if spring will come because it’s too cold as this season but I know it’s coming, I ‘m sure cherry trees blossom and swallow will fly, and so let’s start to prepare getting an exercise. 
 Bland new life will start from now. Get stronger with good rest and nutrition and try to make dreams come true.

When you return to your home,make gargling and washing hands into your habit to avoid infectious disease.