imurakami child clinic website schedule of the month advice of the month

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 It’s been cold now. Our winter was warmer until quite recently and many people had hard time to adjust with rapid temperature changes. However, influenza which raged from the end of last year stopped to infect suddenly, it becomes no outstanding infectious diseases even in winter time. It might come from the good experience in infection prevention of COVID which we learned at that time.
 Infectious gastroenteritis is spreading now. It’s easy to get stomach and intestine sickness in this season because their digestive capacity is weakened by tiredness and by cold weather, to avoid that it needs some ideas to cook foods. For example I recommend Okayu (tender rice recipe) or foods high in dietary fiber. Also improving intestinal environment by lactic acid bacteria, too.
 COVID-19 is increasing instead of decreasing of influenza. The symptom isn’t too serious but is different from ordinary clod indeed, is with serious side effect as heavy weariness, smelling difficulty and tasting difficulty, consequently you have to very careful to be infected.
 RS virus infection ( RSV ) is gaining. Specially when infant is infected with, it’s easy to fall in pneumonia, and consult your doctor as soon as cough gets worse. Also, hMPV (human metapneumoniavirus ) is spreading. Symptom is quite similar with RSV, they were originally same kinds of virus. Children who get decreased physical strength and immunity must be carefully.

 Spring is just after a few weeks.
Student preparing for an examination or preparing to join adult society, keep yourself well and get through this winter.

★When you return to your home,make gargling and washing hands into your habit to avoid infectious disease.★